
The Addiction Manifesto by Jerry Weaver
The Addiction Manifesto by Jerry Weaver

He took help from various organisations like AA, NA, and CA, which helped to rebuild his life. JR weaver is frank and straightforward in sharing his experiences and feelings as a drug addict for 20 years. The book The Addiction Manifesto by army veteran Jerry Weaver is an excellent read. I recommend this book to everyone as it will unveil the reality of addiction. The book is amazing, and I was able to finish it within a day. The writer has included a set of real-life stories to awake the readers and he gradually builds up confidence within the readers' minds showing the amazing results of sobriety. He is regaining his new life after being clean and sober.

The Addiction Manifesto by Jerry Weaver

He has lost almost his life including his family, relationships, and everything. As a recovering addict, he has covered all the issues that an addict faces during his battle with drugs. Weaver used a conversational writing style to convince the need of sobriety. Of course, it is a challenging task, yet anyone can achieve it if they realize how drugs take over life.

The Addiction Manifesto by Jerry Weaver

The author encompasses all his abusive, demonic thoughts during his twenty-seven years of drug addiction, and he narrates how he slew the demons to find himself while opening up a new avenue of his life. The life journey of JR Weaver is an inspirational read for those who are looking for motivation to overcome their drug addiction. I received a free copy of this book via Zooloo’s Book Tours. This is also an important book for anyone who just wants to better understand those who have struggled with this. For anyone who struggles with addiction or knows someone who does, this will be a helpful and poignant read.

The Addiction Manifesto by Jerry Weaver The Addiction Manifesto by Jerry Weaver

The stories from the author and many others are heartbreaking, and tell of how addiction robbed them of everything and everyone they held dear, and how they finally broke the chain and began to live again. There are also true stories from others who have fought this fight and found their lives again. Most importantly, he talks of the continuing battle even after recovery. The process is well explained and easy to understand. He outlines his process to recovery in order to help others that struggle with with this as well. He describes addiction itself and how it will rob you of everything dear in life, and then try to take your life as well. In this excellent book, the author describes his own battle with addiction and how he hit bottom and rose back up again.

The Addiction Manifesto by Jerry Weaver