
Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens

He passes this feeling of family pride to his eldest children, his idle son Edward (known as Tip) and his headstrong daughter Fanny. William Dorrit, despite his circumstances, never loses his grandiose opinion that he is better than other people. He attains a position of importance within its walls and later becomes known as The Father of the Marshalsea. William Dorrit had been a gentleman who fell on hard times and wound up in a debtor's prison called the Marshalsea. The book primarily tells the tale of the Dorrit family. Yet, if you continue reading, you will see how everything ties together. What does a man in jail for murder in France have to do with a little girl who is born inside a debtor's prison in England? It would seem that Dickens is actually telling several totally unrelated stories. In fact, when you begin reading, it can be rather difficult to understand how any of these people are related. Of all his books, I would say that Little Dorrit displays this concept the most. It would seem that Dickens had a concept that each person can impact the lives of numerous others in profound ways, and that this could have a great impact on society.

Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens

Little Dorrit, like many of Charles Dickens' work, involves a large number of characters-from the mightiest to the lowliest-whose paths cross. The novel portrays both the physical and psychological horrors of imprisonment and the hypocrisy of a society that allows them to continue. Amy Dorrit, the heroine, has spent her entire life caring for her imprisoned father. Dickens's masterpiece about prison life is set in an English debtors' prison where his own father had been imprisoned.

Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens